Beyond the Veil – Psychic & Paranormal Webinar




NOVEMBER 11, 2024

09:30 AM – 11 PM


Beyond the Veil: Exploring the Paranormal and Psychic Realms
Unlock the Mystical Realms and Connect with Hidden Truth with International Authors, Researchers, Discoverers, Explorers, Travelers, Film Makers, Producers, Experiencers, Speakers, Psychic Mediums, Channelers, Galactic Emissaries, Multidimensional Speakers and more!

Beyond the Veil: Exploring the Paranormal & Psychic Realms Webinar

Step into an extraordinary journey beyond the veil, where the paranormal meets the psychic. Beyond the Veil brings together experts from across the globe to guide you through the mysteries of the unseen. Dive into the supernatural with live demonstrations, engaging workshops, and powerful discussions on psychic abilities, paranormal encounters, energy healing, and much more.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, curious about the unknown, or eager to unlock your own psychic potential, this event offers an immersive experience to discover the hidden truths of our reality.

Event Highlights:

  • Insightful presentations from globally renowned psychic mediums, channels, and paranormal experts
  • Interactive workshops to awaken your intuition and explore psychic phenomena
  • Live Q&A sessions with opportunities to connect with the speakers
  • Access to event recordings—so you can experience every moment, even if you miss the live session

Don’t miss your chance to explore the mystical realms and deepen your understanding of the paranormal world.

Date: 11.11.2024
Location: Online
Ticket Price: $111

Time: 09:30 am – 11:00 pm Mountain Time.

Due to adjusted speakers time slot: This event has adjusted to start from 11:00 am, and now is starting at 09:30am

Secure your spot now and unlock the mysteries beyond the veil!


Speaker Workshop Information:

JJ & Desiree Hurtak


PRESENTING TIME: 9:45am -10:45am, followed by Q&A (Mountain Time)


Founder and President of The Academy for Future Science, an international NGO (non-government organization). He is a social scientist, futurist, remote sensing and space law specialist. He is author of twenty books, his best-seller is The Keys of Enoch®. Among his many other books is one he co-authored with physicist, Russell Targ, entitled End of Suffering and Mind Dynamics in Space and Time co-authored with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Desiree Hurtak. He has two Ph.Ds, one from the University of California (1977), and one from the University of Minnesota (1993). His M.Th. is from Luther Theological Seminary where he studied early Greek, Latin and Coptic literature from the Patristic period under Dr. Carl Volz.

Dr. Hurtak has accomplished extensive archeological studies in Egypt and was one of the principal discoverers in 1997 of the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau. He also worked in the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt doing GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and acoustic sound tests. He is research director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association.

In the 1980s he was a Director at Technology Marketing Analysis Corporation, San Francisco, which sponsored RETSIE (Renewable Energy Technology Symposiums) and worked with six government agencies, in addition to NASA, to bring together over a thousand engineers, scientists and industrial leaders to exchange information on renewable energy technology. In the late 1980s and 1990s, he was scientific consultant for LASERTECH in Brazil which developed lasers for industrial applications and for the study of rapidly changing environmental conditions, particularly in the study of deforestation and the soil conditions in the Brazilian farmlands and throughout the Amazon. He and The Academy For Future Science are the holders of fourteen gold and silver medal film awards for his work in bringing science and art together in the media.

Dr. Hurtak was a scientific consultant for Sidney Sheldon’s bestseller of an alien encounter entitled The Doomsday Conspiracy (1992) and a researcher in the field of extraterrestrial investigation for over 35 years. He was a speaker at The First International Conference on ET Research in Acapulco with Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

Dr. Hurtak was a speaker at the United Nations Rio+20 (2012), the UN DPI Climate Forum, New York (2007) and was a participant at the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002). He has spoken at major universities in Europe, South Africa, South America and the United States, and has spoken before the Russian Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Science.

He is a pioneer in the area of space law, having published papers with the American Astronautical Society and the Mars Society. In 2005 and 2012, he was an invited speaker to the Law School at Northeast University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, on space law and safeguarding non-renewable resources, and his papers have been published in McGill University’s Journal entitled Annals of Air and Space Law and The University of Mississippi, School of Law’s Journal of Space Law.

The Academy for Future Science, which he founded with his wife, Desiree, has helped the indigenous people in Africa and South America through their outreach of food, clothing and education and for this, Dr. Hurtak was made an honorary member of the Xavante Nation in Mato Grosso, Brazil. He has worked to promote clean water resources and environmental habitats using remote sensing with an understanding that time is running out for many non-renewable resources.

In the capacity of an international consultant Dr. J.J. Hurtak has been featured in numerous film documentaries, and has appeared on television programs throughout the world, including Evening Magazine, Good Morning Australia, Good Morning South Africa, 60 Minutes (International), Carte Blanche, Globo TV in Brazil and National TV in Japan, Hoy Mismo (Mexico) and the ECO-satellite program 2020 with famed journalist Jaime Maussan.

In ecumenical and interfaith work he has lectured at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Johannesburg (1999), Barcelona (2004), Melbourne (2009), and Salt Lake City (2015).

In the arts and humanities, J.J. Hurtak is lyricist for many CDs, including The Living Capstone-The Great Liturgy of the Divine Eternal Father (2000); The Sacred Language of Ascent (2006) with Alice Coltrane (not released); Rea Ho Boka (2009) with the South African Mighty Voice Cultural Choir; Sacred Name Sacred Codes (2012) with Steven Halpern; and Das Zeitzeugenkonzert with the German Symphonic Orchestra of Berlin (2010).

Alan Steinfeld

WORKSHOP: Remote Viewing for Making Contact

PRESENTING TIME: 11:15 am – 12:15 pm, followed by a Q & A (Mountain Time)


Alan Steinfeld is an author, filmmaker, lecturer, event producer and interviewer. He has spent over 30 years investigating all aspects of consciousness from the rituals of India and the crop circles in England to the Extraterrestrial UFO phenomena now sweeping the planet. He stands as a distinguished voice in the field of metaphysics, scientific inquiry, and the enigmatic domain of paranormal investigations.

The initial platform for spreading his accumulated knowledge was the foundation of the media portal, New Realities in the mid-1990’s.  Alan was host and producer of this award-winning television series, which first appeared on Manhattan cable (MNN).  As a vibrant alternative to the mainstream, and now a preeminent channel on YouTube, New Realities, is the ‘go-to’ channel for showcasing pioneering voices on contemporary spirituality and conscious evolution. As one of the first creators of content for the platform, it has garnered over 25 million views and 82,000+ subscribers. These dialogues are with experts in the mind, body, consciousness movement, music, sound healing and the arts. They feature such evolutionary leaders as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, visionary artist Alex Grey and over 2,500 additional interviews in the channel’s archives. Each conversation offers insights and discoveries as a thread in the fabric of a shifting cultural tapestry.

Now available to audiences worldwide at:

Viviane Chauvet

WORKSHOP: Galactic Timeline Shifts and the Emergence of New Light Structure Grids

PRESENTING TIME: 12:45am -1:45 pm workshop and 1:45 pm-2:00 pm Q&A


Viviane Chauvet is an Arcturian evolved soul, E.T. inter-species, multi-frequency, and multi-timeline teacher and healer. She ascended several thousands of years ago as an Arcturian ambassador. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a light holographic human form that contains biological systems. Viviane represents the true nature of the Arcturian delegation. She has been a prominent figure in the spiritual and extraterrestrial community for over a decade, inspiring and guiding lightworkers and star seeds. Viviane has spoken at conferences worldwide and was featured on radio shows, online summits, and award-winning documentaries. Viviane created the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Arcturian Healing Arts Program for self-mastery, ascendancy, and metamorphosis evolution. Now in its fifth season, Viviane hosts the well-known “The Infinite Star Connections” Podcast. Her advanced healing work and teachings have reached thousands of people around the globe, including in Egypt, South Africa, Greece, England, and more!

Founder of the online Universal Arcturian Community on Kajabi, Viviane offers unique memberships (Tiers) and transformative experiences, including monthly holographic group healing, Starseed meditation series, courses, workshops, global initiative meetings, and retreats for members! Her recent work in Uluru, Australia, with the Etheric Elders and the Original Pleiadian Builders has reawakened one of the planet’s most ancient and significant portals in the human holographic conscious timeline.

For more information, visit her website at

Join our Universal Arcturian Community:

Mike Ricksecker

WORKSHOP: Stargates, Portals, and Ancient Symbolism

Explore stargates and portals, how they work, and where you can find them in the world today. We’ll examine the symbolism of the ancients, what they were trying to tell us about their world, and how they interacted with the universe. Includes a special focused section on the stargates of ancient Egypt.

PRESENTING TIME: 6:45 pm-7:45 pm and 7:45 pm-8:00 pm Q&A (Mountain Time)


Researcher Mike Ricksecker is the author of the award-winning Travels Through
Time, Amazon best-sellers A Walk In The Shadows and Alaska’s Mysterious
Triangle, as well as several historic paranormal books. He has appeared on
multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel’s Ancient
Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s
Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more.
Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension,
available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length
content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, UFOs, and the supernatural on his
extensive YouTube channel.

For more than seven years he has hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream
show and he also hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class on his
online learning platform, the Connected Universe Portal. He operates his own
book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media,
representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media In
The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival.

Mike also hosts the annual Stargates of Ancient Egypt Tour, an exploration of
Egypt’s pyramids and temples for lost advanced technologies, the secrets of
esoteric alchemy, and ancient stargates.

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mike is a U.S. Air Force veteran with a background in
Intelligence and a degree in computer simulation programming. He’s been
researching unexplained phenomena across the world for over 30 years.

Toni Ghazi

WORKSHOP: SURRENDER into YOURSELF & AWAKEN your Ascended Mastery into Existence!

PRESENTING TIME: 8:15pm-9:15 Workshop and 9:15pm – 9:30 pm Q&A (Mountain Time)

Toni will channel the Praying-Mantis Beings and will connect with the Audience’s ‘Collective Energy’ and will bring through ‘specific’ messages TO ‘specific’ audience members that are open to receiving
knowledge from the beyond. Essentially, the Mantis-Beings will bring visions, feelings, information to
Toni and YOU will be called to speak up when the messages resonate with you. This exercise will allow YOU to TRUST YOUR instinct and inter-communication that is ALREADY occurring between you & other Beings.


Toni Ghazi, also known as ‘The Antarean-Heart,’ is a Channel, Spiritual Guide, Executive/Business Coach working through the Praying- Mantis Beings, and specifically the Antares-Stargate to bring through Interdimensional and Extraterrestrial Beings with messages of UN-conditional LOVE to help guide Humanity back to its TRUE-SELF by ACTIVATING a remembrance of the MAGIC, MIRACLES, MAGNIFICENCE, HEALING and INFINITE POSSIBILITIES that already resides within all of us.
Toni has unveiled the World’s FIRST & ONLY Praying-Mantis Crystal-Skulls to the public – activated and charged by a 20-Million-Year-Old Mantis preserved in Amber found in Chiapas, Mexico. These Crystal Skulls are Intelligent-Beings and will provide you with the activation to connect with your Galactic Guides and the many versions of YOU to explore your shadows and light aspects of SELF to EXPAND your mind beyond the physical limitations and illusion of reality giving you access to the MAGIC that is within YOU – the MAGIC & POWER that we already use EVERY MOMENT of our existence – our LIFE FORCE!

Katie Norris

WORKSHOP: Paranormal Minds: Unlocking Ancient Technology

Katie presents compelling evidence of ancient technology from her recent trips
to Egypt and the UK, and she explores the profound experiences of working
with the elements. After traveling the globe as a participant in planetary
activations led by Matias De Stefano, Katie integrates over a decade of
meditation practices and insights from ancient India with her understanding of
planetary energies. This unique blend empowers us to understand how to utilize
these systems together to manifest our dreams.



Katie Norris is an accomplished author and creative visionary, and her
new book, “Quantum Design: A Beginner’s Guide to the Fascinating World of
Quantum Physics,” invites readers into the intriguing realm of quantum physics.
This engaging introductory tool demystifies the complexities of the subject,
making it accessible and enjoyable for readers of all backgrounds.
Katie has spent over 15 years studying the vast topics of spirituality,
philosophy, science, and ancient wisdom. Combined with over 10 years of
practicing deep meditation techniques, she has gained accumulative insight into
how energy and momentum work, especially in regards to manifestation
In addition to her self-study and meditation practices, Katie is a talented
songwriter who has written and produced several musicals infused with spiritual
messages. She has won several awards for songwriting, including a Bronze
Medal in the Global Music Awards for her vocal ensemble song, “Peace and
Harmony.” Her most recent project involved a unique musical concept, which
she filmed during her journey through Egypt during the Initiatic Path of the
Temples along the Nile led by Matias De Stefano as part of the Planetary Task of
2/22/22. This innovative endeavor utilized the natural energies of the ancient
temples which are also in line with the energies of the chakras, respectively.
After meditating and holding the planetary activations in the space, the scenes
were filmed using the energy of the temple and the attunement with the
Katie is known for being playful and fun as well as adventurous and
studious. This recent musical, which was an inclusive project, allowing anyone
to participate regardless of previous skill level, was an original plot about pirates
getting swept up by a storm and going through the Nile, having to navigate and
experience the Initiatic Path while being led by Atlantean spirit beings. I mean,
why not, right? It’s aptly called, “The Pirates on the Nile” and the next-level

home movie can be viewed online. Passionate about learning and self-
discovery, Katie also loves to create from her newfound knowledge and

advocates for individuals to pursue their dreams!
With over a decade of experience leading meditations for both adults and
children, Katie is an enthusiastic supporter of learning and creativity. She has led
numerous classes covering how energy moves within the body, and on the
principles of manifestation. She also draws from her travels to ancient sites
around the globe, sharing her collection of evidence and experiences with
ancient wisdom and the energies of those areas. Through her explorations, she
has gathered profound insights and experiences from diverse cultures and the
spiritual realm, enriching understanding and practice.

Katie Norris continues to inspire others through her work, encouraging
individuals to embrace knowledge and express their creativity in transformative

Susanne Wilson, ‘The Carefree Medium’


Have you ever wanted to make a direct connection with your beloved people and pets and spirit
guides? Susanne Wilson is a scientifically validated Medium who wrote the book on spirit
communication. She will share proven methods from her book now in its 2nd edition, Soul Smart:
What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication. As an added bonus, one of Susanne’s
spirit guides will step forward to blend with Susanne and answer a few questions from

PRESENTING TIME: 5:15 pm-6:15 pm Workshop and 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm Q&A(Mountain Time)


Susanne J. Wilson, known as the Carefree Medium, is an intuition educator, spiritual teacher,
and medium with abilities that have undergone scientific study and validation. From childhood,
Susanne engaged with benevolent spirits through her innate clairvoyance and clairaudience.
She discreetly honed her skills as an adult to safeguard her conventional career until a near-
death experience profoundly altered her life’s direction.

Susanne has served as a university director, Fortune 100 human resources manager, and
entrepreneur. She possesses a master’s degree in public administration, a Bachelor’s degree in
management, and holds professional certifications from Stanford University. Her education
includes studies at Arthur Findlay College, teaching Reiki energy healing, and certification as a
hypnotherapist from an accredited institution.

Susanne is the author of the bestselling book Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit
Communication. She hosts the popular Carefree and Conscious podcast. She is a frequent
guest on Coast-to-Coast AM and has appeared as a presenter with George Noory a dozen
times, live on stage. Susanne is featured in many documentary films and on TV and radio.
Highlights include Amazon Prime films, Gaia TV, and CBS Radio. Fox News featured her in a
story that went viral.

Susanne’s extensive background in various learning and development areas, along with her
passionate teaching style, contributes to her popularity. Additionally, Susanne is a Certified
Specialist of Wine, with extensive knowledge of wine and spirits—a playful pun. Lifelong
pianist, she delights in global travel, often employing her gifts to resonate with the embedded
memories and histories of locales.

Patti Negri, The Good Witch!


Bringing Magick into your life every day. Based upon my book ‘Old World Magic’ for the Modern World. Tips, Tricks and Techniques to empower and create a life you love.

PRESENTING TIME: 9:45 PM – 10:45 PM Followed by Q & A (Mountain Time)


Patti Negri, Psychic-Medium and “Good Witch” is best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel & Discovery Plus’s #1 show GHOST ADVENTURES and the #1 paranormal show on YouTube TFIL WITH ELTON CASTEE. She is the international bestselling author of OLD WORLD MAGICK FOR THE MODERN WORLD: TIPS, TRICKS, & TECHNIQUES TO BALANCE, EMPOWER, & CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Patti’s body of work includes appearances on dozens of shows from MASTER CHEF, WipeOut and America’s Got Talent to Influencers, YouTubers and crossover talents like Lilly Singh, LaurDIY, Good Mythical Morning and AwesomenessTV. She has graced numerous magazine covers, contributed to over 20 books and conducted seances on radio, film, and TV working with such legends as Emma Stone, Jon Voight, Josh Duhamel, Chevy Chase and Gregory Hines.

Patti has a popular weekly podcast called The Witching Hour and has just launched her second weekly podcast, Patti Negri’s Haunted Journal. 

Patti is partner and Vice President of Streaming Service, and partner and educator at University Magickus an online Spirituality School. 

As a performer Patti has enjoyed numerous stage, film, and television roles, and has had the honor of working with Martin Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, John C. Riley, Ernie Hudson, Josh Duhumel, Chevy Chase, Sylvester Stallone and Emma Stone to name a few. She has danced with Gregory Hines, choreographed for David Hasselhoff and entertained celebrities on scavenger hunts and toga mysteries across the Greek Islands. As a producer, Patti owns Brain Brew Entertainment, a theatrical production company that specializes in live entertainment.

Patti’s working style is magical, loving and upbeat — which creates a positive, safe and fun environment for you to learn, grow and heal. She has been practicing natural magick her entire life. Her specialty is in adjusting energy and flow – in people, spaces, situations, most anything. She works organically by creating spells and rituals that arrange natural elements to the rhythms and cycles of the universe to bring about healing, change our lives for the better, and create balance. Patti is also honored to be President and Chief Examiner of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums.